Cycling in Brand?!

I know, I know: the shame of it!

But it's not as terrible as all that, really. Especially when my self-esteem is at stake. There are some days you just got to wear something from your Lolita wardrobe, no matter the cost.

Not exactly how I feel, but goals! - (credit)

It's not as tricky as you might believe, at least it hasn't been for me personally in the one Innocent World OP I've been donning for the journey I take to arrive to my course. Since it only reaches 80cm~ in length, I've not had any problems such as getting my skirt caught up in my back or front wheel. Really the only issue I face is how warm it can get in such heavy material, and ultimately that can't be good for my clothes. But undoing a button or two here and there really makes a difference.


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